Clayton King Ministries Clayton King Ministries

Emmanuel Theology

Have you ever longed for more of God’s presence in your life? In Exodus 33, Moses boldly asked to see God’s glory because he knew that nothing else could satisfy. This week on Crossroads with Clayton King, Pastor Clayton dives into this powerful passage, challenging us to seek God with the same hunger and desire. When we truly long for more of Him, He meets us in ways we could never imagine. Don’t miss this inspiring message, “Emmanuel Theology,” on The Light FM!

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Clayton King Ministries Clayton King Ministries

The Song of Zechariah

Have you ever experienced a season of silence, wondering when God would speak? In Luke 1, Zechariah endured a time of waiting and quiet before lifting his voice in a powerful song of praise. This week on Crossroads with Clayton King, Pastor Clayton unpacks the story of Zechariah, showing how seasons of silence can prepare our hearts to hear from God in a fresh and powerful way. Be encouraged as we explore how God speaks through stillness and how His promises always come to pass in His perfect timing. Hear Clayton’s message, “The Song of Zechariah,” on The Light FM!

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Clayton King Ministries Clayton King Ministries

Do What Jesus Did

Many people want to be like Jesus, but to truly reflect Him, we must live as He did! Our Savior walked in love, humility, obedience, and sacrifice—showing us the way to live a life that honors God. This week on Crossroads with Clayton King, Pastor Clayton dives into the life and teachings of Jesus, challenging us to not only admire Him but to actively follow in His footsteps. Be inspired to embody Christ’s character in your daily life and experience the transformation that comes from walking as He walked! Hear Clayton’s message, “Do What Jesus Did,” on The Light FM!

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Clayton King Ministries Clayton King Ministries

Admit, Repent, Submit

Our God is merciful and full of grace, always ready to welcome His children with open arms! He has, is currently, and will continue to transform lives through the power of confession, repentance, and surrender. This week on Crossroads with Clayton King, Pastor Clayton walks us through the biblical foundation of admitting our sins, turning away in repentance, and fully submitting to the Lord’s will. Be encouraged and challenged to take a step closer to God, embracing His forgiveness and walking in freedom! Hear Clayton’s message, “Admit, Repent, Submit,” on The Light FM!

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Clayton King Ministries Clayton King Ministries

Every Scar Has a Story

We all have scars, and our scars always tell a story! This week on "Crossroads with Clayton King", Pastor Clayton shares some insight on how God's power is made perfect in our weakness. Hear Clayton’s message entitled, "Every Scar Has a Story," on The Light FM!

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Clayton King Ministries Clayton King Ministries

Simplify Your Life

Does it feel like you do the same thing over and over again week in and week out? Do things feel a bit mundane? This week on "Crossroads with Clayton King," Pastor Clayton brings scripture to us from the book of Ecclesiastes that shares some wisdom about how you can focus on enjoying the simple things in life. Hear Clayton's message, "Simplify Your Life," on The Light FM!

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